My name is Valeria Martini and I have taught myself to write. I write with my left hand, in black ink, onto black hardcover copybooks. Writing, drawing, painting and singing are my passions since I was a child. I remember that I wanted to write even when I wasn’t able yet. English, also, has being my love since I was a teenager, when my father urged me peremptorily to “study English!”
So it was, and still it is.
My mother, instead, approached me softly and said “you should sing”, since I was showing a certain disposition to singing. During my younger life till now I worked for several musical projects, mainly as a lead vocalist and, sometimes, as an author and composer. I’m leading, at present, a narrative-concert dedicated to the feminine images. I’m a psychologist and an art-counsellor. I also hold a BA in Electronic Music. Birrosa Parsley came as a gift to my pen, it has flown freely and full of irony and enchantment.
It is a doorway to a delicate world in which things are offered in a simple and deep way at the same time. Birrosa Parsley is a character to be discovered one chapter after another, and book by book. I wrote in a kind of “fallen in love” condition, and I am sure readers will sense this seasoning in my writings.
Life has given me the gift to live in a beautiful island in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, Sardinia. And, of course, it has also given me that peculiar condition of being isolated. Kissed by the sun and slapped by the Mistral. I have an alter ego to my drawing and painting life called Gale.
Writing something about me is really exhausting and I don’t like doing it. I’m firmly convinced that if you read well you’ll find in my books, scattered hither and thither, pieces of what I am which are more exhaustive than words.